In May, 1999, in a demonstration of spiritual phenomenon called precipitation on silk, I received a large face on my silk; it had lots of hair around the face and I thought it might be Zeus. I asked Dr. Butler, one of my spirit teachers, who it was and he said it was a little girl. I took a deep breath and thought to myself, “he doesn’t know who it is”. “What is her name?” I asked. “Just a minute”, he replied. Immediately a soft, loving voice said to me,” I am Star, I am on your silk. I wanted to show and give you great strength.” I thanked her and asked where she was from. “From?” she inquired, “Please excuse me.” Shortly she returned and said to me, “I want to apologize to you. I did not understand the word, “from”. I am a star and I shine in many worlds. I am one of those who talk to you in the writings. I am one of your friends from the stars.”
When I returned to the dorm I picked up a copy of the Temple Newsletter that we had brought to Camp Chesterfield and noticed that the article on the front page was a channeling from “your friends from the stars”. That article, by the way, is entitled, “Upgrading Your Seating.” It suggests that instead of trying to upgrade our seats to first class, we might want to upgrade our consciousness and perhaps lessen our return trips to earth. I quote from that message: “Only by claiming your birthright, the power of your own I AM presence within, can you be free to direct your own life. Listen to the words of the Master Jesus again, “Ye are Gods”. Upgrade your seating and head for the stars. A peaceful heart will direct your course. Become a frequent flyer, a frequent meditator and gain extra miles.”